Friday, September 18, 2009

My First Lesson Plan - BOOPPPS!

The objective of this lesson plan is to experience the BOOPPPS planning procedure!
This is not a Math lesson plan. I have decided to have a lesson on throwing a Frisbee.

First, I am going to have an Ultimate Trivia!

1. What is the standard weight for a Frisbee disc?
2. What is the pro-level Vancouver men's team name?
3. What does VUL stand for?

I will briefly explain how an Ultimate game is played. Ultimate is easy to pick up. If you can catch a ball, you can definitely catch a disc. So you have gotten the throwing skills down, it's even better. But note to everyone, ultimate welcomes all different skill levels of players!

Teaching Objectives:
-To share my love of the sport
-To demonstrate clearly the how to hold a disc
-To engage all students in learning the the basic throws

Learning Objectives:
Hopefully by the end of my teaching, students will....
-gain some 'Ultimate' knowledge
-have interest in the sport
-be able to throw either the backhand and forehand throw

Have students show me their throws!

-Demonstrate how to throw a disc
-After demonstration, separate students into 2 groups and get them to throw a disc to each other

Have students show me their throws after the practice throws!
If time permitted, we will do a CHEER!

-I will ask for comment and feedback about this activity.
-I will also encourage the students to learn more about the sport.

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