The 15 minutes microteaching is a very simplified version of an actual lesson. My group and I have tried to teach the lesson of solving for the unknowns of grade eight mathematics. One area that I think we did well is that we have a clear pictorial illustration of sample word problems and we have tried to lead the class by working together using a clear detailed step-by-step approach to get the solution. However, I do admit that we did not have a variety of participatory activities or relating this to subject areas other than Mathematics(we did want to implicitly allow them realize how useful is it to be able to solve unknowns in our daily life).
Some comments that we have received from our peers:
-classroom management issues: we might need to play the stern teacher's role when students don't pay attention
-more clear instruction with our last activity: many liked the last activity, but felt that they didn't have clear enough instruction as in making their "own" word problem
-suggested shared and equal amount of group work: many commented that Prem did not get to speak much (due to our limited time)
-need to consider the whole class: the group of people sitting by the door felt left out as we seem to be focusing on the groups who are actively responding to our lesson; we should work on getting everyone to participate in class
-need to consider the various types of students with different mathematics understanding: our lesson might be "boring" for those gifted students or not enough background information and support for students with exceptionality
Class contact list spreadsheet from Gigi
15 years ago